Sunday, February 17, 2008
Well it looks like Ron Paul has been essentially sent to be the back of the class. Though he has not dropped out of the race, Mitt has essentially made sure he and the huckster our in timeout.

This saddens me to see Bush V2 adopted as the guy the Republican party "their man". It only shows how much backward thinking goes on in the Rep party. This will no doubt be their downfall in the general elections.

At this point.. looks like Obama will be the dems rep and since RP said he will not run third party, i guess my Repullican vote slides to the dems. This war needs an ending and it needs it now. If i have to put a Far Left winger in office to do it, so be it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Made this in my spare time:

Saturday, September 22, 2007
No news is good news... thoughts are now gathering for the election next year :\

I hate to endorse any one canidate, but Ron Paul really looks like a sleeping tiger. With the right press he could blow the press selected ones out of the water.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Whoever is posting spam on my site needs to stop. I am so sick of you fucking assholes, why dont you get a real job and make some money that way. Yes, marketting is a job, but this bullshit about posting ads on sites that have nothing to do with the content is contemptuous.

Edit: Added approval system and it only took me ten minutes, so fuck you.

Monday, March 20, 2006
Wow, just went and saw, "V For Vendetta". Awesome Movie! I recommend that to anyone who enjoys intelligent, entertaining movies that make you think, that you should go see it. Everyone else.... you might find barney entertaining?

That movie had to be one of the best i have seen since the big fish. Although big fish lacked the action seen in this movie, it did not lack the brains and imagination. This movie also brings up a very good point and i am sure some conspiracy theorists would point this out; governments rule by fear, it is that fear that drives many of us to do as we are told. However, sometimes we need a little push when someone in government wants to get their way and its not entirely out of the relm of possiblity that a person who is determined could do such a thing. History points out that Hitler did the same to get his way... could our government be doing the same?

If a viral pandemic were to hit the US, would our government cease control or would they mearly support us as they were intended to do? If the bird flu were ever to transfer to humans and hit the US, how would our government react?

This is what i ponder and this is what i leave you with.

Saturday, March 11, 2006
Wow, its been another year.. hell i haven't even put a new news up in over a year. Well this site is still here and i am not abandoning it. I actually upgraded the server a few months back, so this site is running better than ever.

Sunday, January 23, 2005
New Website design is up!

New features include:
Notifications to me of comment, link, and thought submissions!
Form validation for those submission forms!
Clearer distinction of what is what
New navigation menu!

Monday, January 17, 2005
Wow, its been almost a year since my last post! I guess i kinda forgot about this site while i was working of a few things. Well i am still going to host this site till i can no longer support the thing.

I am hoping to update this site soon though, the page authoring tools i used to setup this version of the site, suck, sooo.. that needs to change. Guess thats what holidays are for!

Sunday, March 14, 2004
Still alive

Saturday, December 20, 2003
Still here, happy time off work!

Monday, October 20, 2003
Just thought i would post something so you dont think i am dead :)

I have been very busy lately and havent had any good thoughts to post to the mythoughts section. There is no use in posting repetitive stuff!


Saturday, September 20, 2003
No news is good news.

I love the new layout even if no one has noticed!

-added a poem recently that i just wrote.
-all the DNS stuff is resolved
-added a DNS pointer that allows you to type instead of having to type
-image map is working correctly now (mainly stuff for me)
-new server is working well beyond expectations

Monday, September 15, 2003
Just did a little tweaking with the format of the index page and the mythoughts page to make them a little bit more presentable and readable, though, i DO consider some of the ´mythoughts´ stuff unreadable.. but as i it is a freewritten thought, i will not edit it.

Thursday, September 11, 2003
Well we have arrived, hopefully not at our final destination! Lets hope it is a quite day!

Anyhow, domain was FINALLY transferred, so some people may see this site down and others may not, either way, it is functional! Just have to wait for your DNS servers to caught up!

Everything is up and running, so i am happy!

Sunday, September 7, 2003
Well, the format is up, entirely database driven website with an ASP front end! No more manual page editing for me! I have added a few features and I hope everyone who comes around is able to appreicate them!

Hopefully the domain will transfer over this week to my control.. name zero has got to be the slowest registrar around. The music site and webmail will not work till they hand it over! My DNS is already setup for them.. no redirection available though from namezero!

NAhnahnaaanah hey hey hey.. GOOD BYE!

Monday, September 1, 2003
Changes are a coming! I moved the domain registration to godaddy, brought up some DNS servers to do some custom pointing for me and plan on revamping this site soon. The new site will be database driven with asp pages around. I also plan to change the menu system. AJmenu was good for when i needed it, but with this new free one i found.. i am going to change. Also, i was recently asked to sell this domain, though i am somewhat flattered, i will not sell this domain unless i cant afford to run it. Being that I just got a raise at both companies that is probably not going to happen! Movies.. been watching stuff off brighthouse´s Movies on Demand service.. so nothing new! Did i mention new logo?

Monday, May 26, 2003
working on the some big projects, but reminded myself this time of some broken links i had on here. They should be fixed now! Have a look at the pictures.. very funny. Also, i renabled the music section.. so if you want access shoot me an email with the reasons why you need access and if you are willing to add to the collection. Currently, its around 5 gigs of just about every genre that i like.

--man i need to read my responses over before i post them.. geesh--

Friday, May 16, 2003
i took the day off from work to watch the matrix reloaded and found that it was not even worth the effort that the first one would of gladly received if i had known how good it was before i saw it. Anticipation is usually a good thing, but when a movie maker decides to do .. more on the same thing and then more on that and throw in a little twist.. well that just sucks. Keeping the hope, i did stay until the 30 minute long credit reel ended and watched the trailer for the last one in the series. Seems to be basically a new level of agent smith vs neo, with a the fate(oh im surprised) of zion at stake. BLAH BLAH BLAH. I think next time i will wait till it comes out on dvd as a series set and get the set. I imagine they are going to put the anime stuff in the dvd along with some kewl stunt stuff. One thing that did make the movie somewhat worth the ticket price as the twins.. very kewl.

Sunday, May 4, 2003
Just watched ´The Ring´, ´Ghost Ship´, and ´I Spy´. I would have to say I enjoyed all three. The ring is a thinking thriller movie, don´t watch it if you get scared to easily or cannot understand complex plots, definitely a group movie(10 on the girlfriend cling scale). Ghost Ship had its scary moments, but actually focused more on the plot and the reasons behind why the ship became a Ghost Ship, I really enjoyed it. Very interesting ending, it would of been nice if they explained the bad guy a little more. ´I spy´, is more like a 00´s ´shanghi´ action flick. Eddie Murphy does give a little more kick to it, but don´t expect to laugh to death, he goes for a more action type role in this one. Anywho, I have removed the testing login from the server, if you want a login, your going to have to contact me.

Thursday, April 3, 2003
Yes it has been a month, guess this what happens when you get busy sometimes. Life is a strange thing, those who are idle go insane and those who do to much go insane. its that balance that we often reach on a daily basis that keeps us occupied to a point in which we do not see time pass. Perception is a powerful thing, those who wield it with strong resolve, tend to see beyond this. Its funnier that our minds can hold memories that are full of perception of different times in our life and its even funnier that we often look back at those memories (which we cannot share) with a different perception later in life and tend to judge ourselves. Question: If life´s playing field was laid flat and all those whose participated had equal ground to begin life, live life and finish life on, would there still be violence in this world?

Wednesday, April 2, 2003
Still here :) I went and saw final destination 2 tonight, i must say that the wreck sequences and many of the action sequences were awesome, but most the deaths by themselves were just down right FAKE looking. Ok, if a glass panel fell on your head from 20 feet, the top half of your body would not explode into large chunks of meat and bone. I loved the airbag death and the all the deaths during the accidents. The barbeque death at the end was ghey. Overall, when I could hear the movie over the little child behind me, it was pretty good. Highly recommended just for the accident scenes. One little final note: Parents: Not a kid movie, hire a freaking baby sitter and if you cant afford one, you shouldn´t be at the movie theatre anyways! I don´t blame the kid for annoying me (that´s what they tend to do when they are bored), I blame the retarded parent who brought the kid. Common sense compounded by common courtesy is a very powerful thing.

Disclaimer: I am not a movie critic nor will I pretend to be, the above statements are my personal opinions that are not meant as a review of the movie in anyway. Take what I said above as fact, if you choose to act on it and come to the conclusion that it REALLY sucked and you waited your time, DON´T EVEN THINK OF WRITING ME ABOUT YOUR GRIEVANCE!

Tuesday, January 1, 2002
I saw the time machine and queen of the damned this week, they were both great movies. I do have to say that although I like alieha ( I think that is how you spell it.), she didn´t really do it for me in the movie, everyone else was awesome though. The time machine was a wonderful experience, I have seen the original and the remade one before, both of those were excellent, but cheesy, this one really did it for me. There is one thing, at the end when he says, to the guy who can read minds... ´ya I guess there is that WHAT IF´ then he grabs the mind reader to hopefully kill him. Excuse me, but if he can read minds... why the hell did he not know that was going to happen... its the small things, I know. blahhdiblahh! Want to learn about time travel and the theories behind it, check out this great website: Time Travel Research Center